Tequila Reposado 750ml
Old But Gold
Bold, gold, and beautiful – just like the king of the jungle – our Tequila Reposado 750ml draws its flavor from 4 months spent in oak aging barrels.
With a honeyed hue and hints of coffee and caramel, it’s a spirit to be poured and savored, rolling around the palette with a time-honored intensity.
Made from 100% blue Weber agave, it has a fruity finish only found in highland terroir tequilas, where iron-rich soil gives way to an irresistible complexity of flavor.
This is liquid gold that’s good for the soul.
Why We Are Unique
SIGHT: Amber yellow color, clean and bright with golden sparkles.
SMELL: It presents notes of cooked agave and caramel with a tendency towards fruity and woody aromas with notes of coffee.
TASTE: At first, it has a good body and a good opening of flavors, highlighting the coffee and caramel that are subtly reminiscent of a cappuccino, with a slightly sweet and woody finish.
SERVING: It is recommended to consume in a tall glass with a small piece of ice.